Thursday, February 21, 2008

just dropping in...

We have been so busy for the last few weeks. Jerrell has been retired for 3 weeks now and you would think that with retiring things would slow down, but getting all these medicare plans and supplements and prescription plans takes some thought and some time.
He qualifies for all three, but I am unable to get a supplement until I turn 65 and I will be only 64 this April.

It sure has been nice having Jerrell at home. We seem to go more and do things together and that is good for me to get out of the house some. He is getting used to me being on the computer alot. Since he does not have any use for one, it is hard for him to relate to the amount of time that I stay on it.

Our youngest son Jeff will be home this Sunday. He missed a Sunday because he went to California for several days to see a friend he had met in Charlotte and dated for a few months before she was transferred back to her home town in California. He enjoyed the visit and got to see alot of sites. He flew into Burbank as that is where she lives, but got to see LA and other places. I am posting two pictures from his trip. I love the palm trees in the background. Reminds me of our South Carolina beaches here.

Jeff and Rosalie at LA

This one is Jeff and Rosalie in LA but I do not know exactly where. The one below is of Jeff.

Jeff in LA

I do not know why these pictures turned out so big; I have totally forgotten what I have learned from blogging. If you do not use, you do forget!

In reading some of my regular blogs, I have noticed that many people were giving their reasons for blogging and the reaction of those that know nothing about blogs and I found it interesting that we all seem to have the same purpose in blogging. For the friends I have made through this blog is something that will always stay with me. Many of you I email with and we have gotten to know each other that without the blog, we would never have met. I thank you all for what you mean to me. You have been here for me when I needed someone and all seem like a blog family to me.

Will have to make this one short, I have an appointment in a little while, but I did want to blog and let you all know that all is well and I am still reading your blogs, but have fallen behind in my blogging. I hope you all have a great day!

God Bless!