I am soooo late in putting anything on here, I am ashamed. I have had a couple comments asking about the twins. These are the most recent pictures, I got them yesterday. One smiles in one picture and the other smiles in the other. Caroline is still thrilled with her "little" brothers. Nick is on the left and Luke is on the right. She helps her mom a lot with the boys.
Nick is fighting a nasty cold and has right much congestion so hoping that will begin to clear soon. Stephanie is quite busy as you can imagine, but handles it with laughter and happiness and grabs her a nap when she can.:) She always says how blessed she is to have these three.
Mrs. Bunting is getting to a point that Jerrell is beginning to think of what is best for his mother at this time. She only does two things a week, get her hair done and go to church "if" she is not draggy and most of the time she is! She is still excellent at working a telephone. Some evenings up to 10:00 we get calls to see what day it is and if she gets her hair done tomorrow and it is only Monday or Tuesday and her appointment is on Thursday. I just tell her to look on her clock on the mantle and it will tell her what the day is. I do help by taking turns with the phone calls.
Some things are comical, but over all, it is stressing Jerrell to the hilt.
I talked with Paulette today and she has bought a house at the beach and will be moving sometime in June when she closes on the house. She is my best friend and I will miss her, but she is happy with her decision and she has good doctors down there as she had her last heart failure while she was down there and found they had as good or better facilities and machines than did the hospital at home. She can also get her defibulator checked down there and not have to drive back to Concord. Remember her in your prayers that she won't overdo it with the packing and all involved with moving. I assure you, she will still read her regular blogs, she so much enjoys them.
Didn't sleep much last night and we went looking at cemetery lots and
mausoleums today and I am literally worn out. I will try to put something up here more often than I have recently. Love you all.
God Bless!
What sweet pictures. Stephanie truly is blessed and you can see form Caroline's smile that she loves those boys.
It is a hard place to be trying to figure out what to do with an aged parent and still not rob them of dignity. I pray that God will lead you both.
Hi Claudia, it was good to see a post from you. I have wondered about the twins. My how big they are. Caroline is still a real cutie. We are about the same. Bill is almost completely bed fast. I even have to help him to the bath room. It's taking a toll on me. Hope you and Jerrell are well. Clara....from across the mountain.
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